Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekly Recap- November 25- December 1, 2013

I ran 2 races this week--a 6k on Thanksgiving morning and the Space Coast Half Marathon this morning.  My knee had been feeling better but then suddenly the pain came back full-force during the 6k.  And I've been limping around ever since.  I was really nervous about today's race.  My knee killed for the first two miles, to the point that I thought I was going to have to walk the whole thing, but then it just turned into achiness, which I can deal with.  So I got lucky! 

Today, I also hit 1000 miles that I've run since I've started!

Tuesday-- 8 miles in 1:25:30 (Mile 1: 9:42, Mile 2: 10:57, Mile 3: 10:20, Mile 4: 10:54, Mile 5: 11:02, Mile 6: 10:47, Mile 7: 11:11, Mile 8: 10:39, average pace: 10:41)

Thursday-- Subaru Distance Classic 6k- 3.60 miles in 35:06 (Mile 1: 9:35, Mile 2: 10:06, Mile 3: 9:38, Mile 3-3.6: 9:38, average pace: 9:45)

Sunday-- Space Coast Half Marathon- 13.27 miles in 2:21:38 (Mile 1: 9:42, Mile 2: 10:24, Mile 3: 10:54, Mile 4: 10:49, Mile 5: 10:58, Mile 6: 10:31, Mile 7: 10:36, Mile 8: 10:51, Mile 9: 10:40, Mile 10: 11:07, Mile 11: 10:58, Mile 12: 10:51, Mile 13: 10:51, Mile 13-13.27: 9:59, average pace: 10:42)

Total miles this week: 24.87
Total miles in 2013: 581.49
Total miles: 1006.98