Then I was completely exhausted so I didn't run again all week. I feel like I keep getting sabotaged around this time. Last year, I got injured. This time, illness kept me out! Luckily, I'm feeling mostly back to normal--just a little more tired than normal. But I'm glad it's taper time!
Goofy training week 16:
Monday: rest. Faith and I were supposed to do 20 miles but it was raining when we woke up and I just couldn't bring myself to do 20 miles soaking wet. It would be hard enough without it.
I started feeling sick during the day but Kory and I still met up with Meredith and Dan at Longhorn for dinner since she was in town. I had to be boring again by having plain chicken, rice, & baked potato. The things you do for running.
Tuesday--20 miles in 4:11:49. Mile 1: 10:54, Mile 2: 10:47, Mile 3: 12:29, Mile 4: 12:25, Mile 5: 12:24, Mile 6: 12:26, Mile 7: 12:18, Mile 8: 13:02, Mile 9: 12:15, Mile 10: 12:12, Mile 11: 12:03, Mile 12: 12:33, Mile 13: 12:12: Mile 14: 14:41, Mile 15: 12:20, Mile 16: 12:20, Mile 17: 12:15, Mile 18: 13:22, Mile 19: 13:28, Mile 20: 15:21, Average Pace: 12:35. My phone died at mile 19.38. Thank goodness for my Garmin watch!
This run really did me in both physically and mentally. My body hurt the rest of the day, probably from the fever. Luckily, the next day my body felt fine (well, from running..not so much from sickness). But mentally--I felt so confident after the 18 miler and this just stunk. I can't get it through my mind that the fever really took that much out of me but I'm really hoping it did. I'm hoping the marathon goes a lot better!
I wasn't feeling like much but wanted soup and decided I wanted Princess soup. Kory came back with 2 cans. He said they had different princesses on them and he didn't want to screw it up. Too cute!
Wednesday--rest. I had to work at Disney to keep my job (we have to work 150 hours in a rotating calendar year and I needed 4 hours that day). Then I went to Urgent Care where the diagnosed me with Strep. Fun, fun. I came home and just crashed on the couch for the night. I felt like a milk shake so we ordered from Red Robin. But when Kory went to pick it up, they were out of milkshake mix (seriously??) He went to Publix to get ice cream but they were already closed since it was Christmas Eve and all. So he stopped by 7-11 and grabbed some. But then our milk was expired so he had to use my holiday Mint Chocolate Milk. And he threw in some bananas because he knows I liked them. So it turned out to be a Mint Chocolate Banana milkshake. Sounds gross but it's totally something I would order and it hit the spot! We also watched A Christmas Story since I'd never seen it. And I think I'm the only person in the world who thinks its a dumb movie. I'll stick to my heartwarming ones. Still a rough way to spend Christmas Eve though.
Thursday--rest. Christmas Day. We got up and dropped Bella off at a friend's house then headed up to my brother's house in Jax. My parents' house is getting remodeled so we were celebrating Christmas at my brother's. We opened presents and ate and I took a 4 hour nap. I still felt pretty crummy. Christmas is my mom's birthday so we had Steak and Lobster (Crab Legs for me) but I put a ban on any picture taking since I looked horrible. Merry Christmas to me.
I did get lots of fun goodies for Christmas. A Dooney & Burke Gator wristlet, Lululemon gift card, Sparkle Athletic visor, clothes, wine, Armpocket to fit my new phone, and a new Garmin 220!!
Friday-- rest. I was supposed to run but wasn't up to it. I did do some shopping however. They live right behind this huge town center so Kory and I walked there and did some retail therapy. Then I took another long nap and we met my family at Restaurant Orsay to celebrate my mom's birthday. We had lots of yummy food and laughs.
Saturday--rest. We woke up and headed home. I was so glad to see Bella! We spent most of the day cuddling on the couch.
Sunday--rest. Faith and I were going to run but Faith wasn't feeling well and my lymph nodes were still hurting so we decided to bail. I'm afraid to push it any after Tuesday's disaster.
That night, we went to Painting with a Twist to celebrate Faith's birthday. I am sooo not an artist. I have fun trying though!
Total miles this week: 20
Total miles in 2014: 519.39
Total miles: 1587.38