Monday--softball. We won by run-ruling the other team.
Wednesday--3 miles in 30:16 Felt so good to run with the morning group again. Mile 1: 10:12, Mile 2: 10:02, Mile 3: 10:04, Average Pace: 10:06
I attended a Central Florida Lady Blogger's Event at Zoes Kitchen! I'd seen them around and was excited to try them!
Cori, Faith and I attended the Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary Disney Parks Blog Meet-Up!
First we enjoyed yummy food and drinks at the Top of the World Lounge at the Contemporary and saw some characters! Then we headed over to the Polynesian to taste some food inspired by Trader Sam's, take a tour of one of the over-the-water bungalows, and enjoy a Dole Whip!
We met up with Kate and Katie at the Magic Kingdom for the Disney Vacation Club 25 and Beyond Bash! There were short lines for rides and characters and tons of cookies, chips, and ice cream bars to snack on!
We celebrated Cori's Belated Birthday at Hamburger Mary's. It was so much fun!
We celebrated Olivia's birthday at Kobe!
Then Faith and I took a field trip to Donut King since we'd been wanting to go! Yum!
Sunday--3 miles in 29:23 Mile 1: 10:12, Mile 2: 9:47, Mile 3: 9:25, Average Pace: 9:48
I participated in the Disney Bowl-a-thon with Kelly, Ron, Kacie, Paul, & Mikey. Such a great time!
My friend Meghan over at Meghan on the Move is celebrating in memory of her pup, Pepper's 11th birthday. She asked friends to do something special for puppies or kitties over the weekend. #RAKsForWoof In honor of Pepper, I gathered up all of Bella's things from when she was a puppy that she didn't use like training pads and toys, and I'll be donating them to the local animal shelter. Hope you're having a wonderful birthday over that Rainbow Bridge, Pepper!
Total miles this week: 6
Total miles in 2916: 174.48
Total miles: 2714.16
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