Monday--softball. We won. I played okay. Struck out the first time, hit a pathetic ground ball the second time and then popped out the third time (but it was almost to the outfield and felt good.)
Tuesday--3.1 miles in 37:28. Meghan (Meghan on the Move) and I participated in the Fit2Run Fun Run at Celebration. Meghan rocked her run! Mile 1: 11:04, Mile 2: 12:22, Mile 3: 12:54, Mile 3-3.1: 11:18, Average Pace: 12:05
Then we enjoyed dinner at the Tavern again. (well, I didn't especially like the food this time but I enjoyed the company!)
Wednesday--rest. I had a girl's night at the Melting Pot with Kelly and Chelsea. My favorite restaurant! Yum!
Thursday--4.79 miles in 49:57. I was supposed to do 4 miles then 6 sets of strides (30 seconds fast followed by 2 minutes recovery) but after 3 sets, my phone stopped working and said that it was too hot and needed to cool down. Grr! I tried to start again when it had cooled down, but apparently the app had somehow kept running so the timing and pacing was off.
Mile 1: 9:35
Mile 2: 9:30
Mile 3: 10:58
Mile 4: 11:17
0:30: 7:15
2:00: 12:25
0:30: 7:05
2:00: 11:12
0:30: 7:21
Average Pace: 10:25
Then Meghan, Karen (Read Run Write with Kahrenheit), Pam, Cecille and I went to a Meet & Make hosted by Sarah Hearts at West Elm. We decorated door mats. At first I had a really hard time figuring out what I wanted to make but then I got into it.
Then we went to dinner at Duffy's Sports Grill. I loved this place! There were TONS of tvs and lots of food and drink choices!
Friday--rest. Kory and I went to Aquatica. I had been wanting to go there since it opened and since I found $8 tickets for a day that I was off, we took advantage. Only problem--it was freezing! It was only about 72 degrees when we got there. And if you know me, you know I don't do the cold. We went on most of the slides but after going up so many stairs, my legs were just barely starting to ache and since I knew I had 2(!) races in the next 2 days, I had to call it quits. We ended up renting 2 movies. We also hit up Burger Fi for dinner (ehh..wasn't that impressed) and then Jeremiah's for dessert (yum!)
Saturday--Celebration Rotary Club Pancake 10k. 6.28 miles in 59:48. I ended up with a 8:32 min PR and a sub 1 hr!! I was not expecting that at all! I'll have my review up sometime in the future, but I'm not so happy with the race. Mile 1: 8:50, Mile 2: 8:48, Mile 3: 9:37, Mile 4: 10:07, Mile 5: 9:56, Mile 6: 9:49, Mile 6-6.28: 9:15, Average Pace: 9:31
Then I rushed home, showered, changed and drove to Meghan's house. We were heading up to her mom's house in Port Orange to run a half marathon the next day! We hit packet pickup and then had some yummy seafood for dinner at Our Deck Down Under.
Sunday--Lighthouse Loop Half Marathon. 13.19 miles in 2:20:13. After going all out yesterday, I just wanted to survive. But I ended up with a 1:26 min PR!!! Mile 1: 9:47, Mile 2: 9:28, Mile 3: 9:30, Mile 4: 11:11, Mile 5: 11:23, Mile 6: 10:53, Mile 7: 11:12, Mile 8: 11:10, Mile 9: 10:51, Mile 10: 11:05, Mile 11: 10:49, Mile 12: 10:51, Mile 13: 10:37, Mile 13-13.19: 8:25, Average Pace: 10:39
Meghan's mom treated us to lunch at Dustin's BBQ then we headed back home to Orlando. I fell in love with Pepper (Meghan's dog) and Ozzie (her mom's dog) but it was so nice to see the hubby and Bella!
Total miles this week: 27.36
Total miles in 2014: 300.34
Total miles: 1368.33
Had a great time this weekend :) And congrats again on your PRs!
ReplyDeleteMe too! And thank you!