Sunday, April 12, 2015

Weekly Recap- April 6-12, 2015

Not sure if it's smart or not, but I got back to running this week!

Monday-- rest.  I had a doctors appointment for my ankle.  The doctor thinks it's shin splints but I really disagree.  The pain is different from any shin splints I have.  In any case, I have an MRI appointment next Wednesday.  He said I could still run.  When I asked if I could race on Sunday, he said that he preferred it and that he wants me to do a longer run the morning of my MRI.  Okay then!

Tuesday-- rest.  I went to a Moms Run This Town event where we made our own medal hangers.  It was so much fun and I love the finished product!!

Wednesday-- 5 miles in 53:28.  I ran 3 miles then did 3:1s. Mile 1: 10:25, Mile 2: 10:20, Mile 3: 10:06, Mile 4: 11:27, Mile 5: 11:08, Average Pace: 10:41.  It felt good to be back!

Later that night I met up with some Yelpsisterhood ladies (and Todd!) at Oblivion Taproom for some yuminess!

Thursday--rest. I enjoyed my white chocolate caramel apple shaped like Cinderella's Carriage for dessert!

Friday-- 3 miles in 29:44.  Mile 1: 9:59, Mile 2: 9:52, Mile 3: 9:53, Average Pace: 9:55.  We ran to celebrate Heather's 100 day of run streak!

Kory and I had date night.  First a family selfie, though.

We dinner at Tao Asian for happy hour sushi.

then headed over to Trader Sams to try some yummy drinks and food.

The atmosphere is so fun!  I tried the Castaway Crush, Polynesian Pearl and Corn-Battered Portuguese Sausages.

Saturday--rest.  I got my Stitch Fix in.  I'll have a post up soon.

Sunday--EA Sports Riverside Dash 15k. 9.38 miles in 1:29:38.  It was a 9 min 13 sec PR! Ran 3 miles then did 3:1s. Mile 1: 8:25, Mile 2: 8:39, Mile 3: 8:57, Mile 4: 10:02, Mile 5: 9:46, Mile 6: 10:00, Mile 7: 9:59, Mile 8: 10:18, Mile 9: 9:44, Mile 9-9.3: 10:01, Average Pace: 9:33.

I worked in Tour Guide at the later at night.

Total miles this week: 17.38
Total miles in 2015: 285.72
Total miles: 1892.16

2,015 in 2015 miles: 728.77

1 comment:

  1. I love the medal hanger that you made, what a fun activity!
